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Friday, July 26, 2024


Corporate Power Purchase Agreement

The price of electricity is increasing almost daily and no one can envisage when it will come to a halt. One thing is certain...

BDV law firm is a new member of RESC

BDV is the first law firm to recognise the importance of cooperation with all stakeholders of the RES industry sector in Croatia and has...

Save Gas for a Safe Winter: Commission proposes gas demand reduction plan to prepare EU for supply cuts

The European Union faces the risk of further gas supply cuts from Russia, due to the Kremlin's weaponisation of gas exports, with almost half...

MEPs back boost for renewables use and energy savings

The Industry, Research and Energy Committee wants to accelerate substantially the deployment of renewable energy, and the reduction of energy consumption, by 2030. Share of...

RES Simplify for the simpler and faster development of RES

With its REPowerEU plan, the European Union decided to increase investments in renewable energy sources and most of the clean renewable energy is expected...

Wind for sustainability

Hein Prisen, the senior consultant at the Dutch Ecological-Consultant Company, Bureau Waardenburg, which employs 130 workers and is one of the largest of its...

Go-to areas for wind and solar

"Go-to area" for RES development is a term that is increasingly mentioned in EU terminology. Simply put, these are specific locations, whether on land...

Digestate as driver of the agroecological transition in Europe

Source: EBA Digestate, a co-product of biogas production used as organic fertiliser, has the potential to transform Europe’s agricultural sector offering an alternative to commonly...

End of the COP26 Climate Conference in Glasgow

After six exhausting years of negotiations, all the unresolved elements in the mechanisms for the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the transparency of...

OIKON – Institute for Applied Ecology is a New Partner and Member of the RES Croatia Association

OIKON – The Institute for Applied Ecology, the leading licensed and accredited consulting company/research institute in the field of applied ecology in Croatia and...

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