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Saturday, July 27, 2024

The European Green Plan is an Excellent Opportunity for all Companies Dealing with Renewable Energy Sources

The ambitious plans set within the framework of the European Green Plan are an excellent opportunity for the development of those companies dealing with renewable energy sources (RES), and precisely the companies from that sector participated in the Croatian-Spanish Forum on RES that was held yesterday in the organization of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in the Republic of Croatia, as announced on the portal Privredni.hr.

“Although Croatia’s share of renewable energy sources in the overall consumption exceeds EU’s goal of 20 percent by the end of 2020, the potential is much greater. Our renewable energy sector can play a significant role in the achievement of a successful energy transition in Europe. We have companies with skills and know-how which could become, in partnership with other EU companies, relevant players on the international market. The current Forum promotes exactly this type of cooperation and should help companies in finding their place on the very potent markets of Croatia and Spain but also penetrate together on third markets”, Tomislav Radoš, the Vice-President of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce for Industry and Energy pointed out at the opening of the Forum.

The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain in the Republic of Croatia, Alonso Dezcallar de Mazarredo commended the cooperation with the Croatian Chamber of Commerce and pointed out that in the difficult times we are facing economic cooperation is of key importance for a quick recovery. “Our duty is to have the engines of our economies always running and we are here today to bring together companies from the RES sector and thus additionally strengthen our excellent bilateral relations” De Mazarredo added.

The state secretary in the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Ivo Milatić pointed out that in the last few years they have been preparing legislation that will alleviate Croatia’s transition to a low carbon economy. “We wish to provide all our citizens’ security in the supply of energy and enhance the energy efficiency, We need a changed paradigm to carbonization which is, at the same time, an opportunity for the private sector to make use of this transition”, Milatić pointed out adding that in the near future the EU plans to invest 20 billion EUR in RES.

The Future of Sustainable Solutions in the Energy Sector

Nataša Putak of HROTE clarified the new premium incentive system for RES production and informed those present of the legal framework and state in the RES sector. After the presentation of the Croatian and Spanish markets, a panel was held entitled The Future of Sustainable Solutions in the Energy Sector. The participants of the Panel included Alberto Castaňeda, director of the company Development Gorona del Viento S.A. (online), Ivan Andročec from HEP, Darko Jardas, from the regional energy agency Kvarner, Aljoša Pleić, from Accione, Bojan Reščec, from RP Global and Mirko Tunjić from Circular Energy Resources.

Castaňeda presented the project of energy transition to RES on the Canary island of El Hierro which produced 54 percent of energy last year from the wind farm Gorona del Viento, saving thereby nearly 7.000 tonnes of fuel and thus avoiding the emission of 23.000 tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Andočec spoke of the strategy of the renewable development of HEP to the year 2030. He pointed out that it is based on four pillars: revitalization of existing hydropower plants, development of new hydro plants, the building of new RES plants, and highly efficient gas cogeneration. With these technologies, HEP plans to provide in total 1.500 MW of new power by the year 2030.

Jadras presented the energy transition of the Kvarner islands toward clean energy within the initiative Clean Energy for the EU Islands. He announced the construction of new plants and storage systems and pointed out that he would share his experiences with other Croatian islands as well.

Pleić explained what the Spanish company Accione Energia was engaged in on our market, pointing out that it has been present on the market for the last 15 years. Currently, the company has one wind farm in operation – WF Jelinak but the building of the WF Opor and Boraja is soon to begin while the project for the solar power plant in the vicinity of Drniš is well underway. “It’s important to always be forward-looking, ahead of the current standards and regulations which are still lagging behind development projects”, Peić said and emphasized that they are relying to a considerable degree on local components. He also underlined the necessity of a stable legal framework as well as the benefits to the local community, welcoming the new premium model of simulating production from renewable sources, noting that they certainly have a promising future in Croatia.

His presentation was followed by that of Bojan Reščec who pointed out that they were among the first developers in Croatia.” The feed-in tariff initiated investments in 2007 and since then we have implemented a number of large projects, including the wind farm Danilo”, Reščec emphasized and called upon Spanish companies to contact them for future cooperation because they are always seeking quality partners.

Tunjić stated that Spain and Croatia have much in common and can mutually learn from experiences acquired to date. “In Croatia we must focus on the development of a market and legal framework that will offer opportunities to smaller projects”, he concluded. The attendants had the possibility to hear an online lecture on the energy transition of a Spanish multinational electrical company Iberdrola lasting more than 20 years and in which during that period more than 100 billion EUR has been invested. These investments were directed at the electrification of the economy, innovation, and technological progress and greater connectedness of consumers and will exceed 10 billion EUR in 2020 and result in 4.000 new MW of installed power (an eight percent growth). Iberdola has committed to become completely carbon neutral company by the year 2050.

A workshop was held within the framework of the Forum with an exchange of good practice examples in the use of renewable energy as well as talks among more than 30 Croatian and Spanish companies and institutions from the RES sector.

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