16.8 C
Subota, 27 srpnja, 2024

Croatian Wind is the Best in Europe

The umbrella European wind energy organization, WindEurope, has published the latest data on wind energy, according to which, on May 9, 2024, Croatia produced the most electricity from wind farms in its overall energy mix among all EU member states.

Source: WindEurope

Europe is a global leader in wind energy. Wind powers millions of European households and businesses every day. Last year, wind energy covered 15% of the electricity demand in the EU, and on some days, it covered more than 100% of the electricity demand in certain member states.

Wind energy is a reliable partner in almost every country, as stated by WindEurope, which on its platform Daily Wind Power Numbers presents the leading countries in wind energy production onshore and offshore from the previous day, with rankings changing depending on weather and market conditions.

Member states have not yet fully utilized their full potential, and the site also provides statistics on how many turbines each country has.

Where do the Daily Wind Power Numbers come from?

The information provided on this platform is extracted daily from 15,000 data points, including information provided through the ENTSO-E transparency platform and Elexon’s balancing mechanism reporting service.

Find more data at Wind Power Numbers Daily.

Wind in Croatia

According to data for April 2024, wind energy in Croatia produced 204 GWh of electricity that month, accounting for 14.7% of total electricity production. The achieved capacity utilization factor was 24.9%.

The installed capacity of all wind farms as of April 1, 2024, amounts to 1,160.15 MW.

Wind Farms in Croatia and Approved Connection Capacity

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