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Monday, September 16, 2024

Siemens Croatia New RESC Member

Siemens Croatia signed an agreement for associate membership in Renewable Energy Sources Croatia (RESC) on June 12th at the Days of RES in Pula. Medeja Lončar, President of the Management Board of Siemens Croatia, Maja Pokrovac, Managing Director of RESC, and Mario Valčić, Director of Smart Infrastructure at Siemens Croatia, attended this signing.

Siemens Croatia is a leading provider of products, solutions, and services for the production, transmission, and distribution of electrical energy, as well as for industrial automation and drive technology. The focus of their business is increasingly on services such as installation, commissioning, and maintenance in the aforementioned areas, contributing to the company’s long-term sustainable success and partnership with the domestic economy. Siemens Croatia is part of the global Siemens group and follows the corporate strategy Vision 2020, which is based on dominant global market trends—digitalization, globalization, urbanization, demographic and climate changes, as well as the competitive environment and the needs of customers, partners, and societies. Accordingly, Siemens is strategically focused in the long term on the areas of electrification, automation, and digitalization.

Siemens has been present in Croatia for over 130 years. Siemens Croatia currently employs around 160 people in Zagreb. They have participated in modernizaning domestic thermal power plants, the oil pipeline system, oil refineries, electricity transmission and distribution systems, and industrial plants.

Thanks to their knowledge and experience in providing the most advanced technological solutions in markets worldwide, and especially due to their long-standing presence and understanding of the domestic market, Siemens Croatia is a valuable partner to the Croatian economy.

“Obnovljivi izvori ključan su korak prema postizanju klimatski neutralnog planeta, ali predstavljaju veliki izazov za upravljanje elektroenergetskim mrežama. Siemens kao vodeća kompanija u području upravljanja elektroenergetskim sustavom svojim radom kroz ovo udruženje želi pomoći u ubrzanju integracije obnovljivih izvora u elektroenergetski sustav. Vjerujemo da ćemo zajedničkim snagama pronaći odgovore na sve izazove koji imaju operatori prijenosnog i distributivnog sustava kao i investitori u postrojenja za proizvodnju električne energije iz obnovljivih izvora.” – poručili su iz Siemensa.

“Već više od 170 godina, ime Siemens je sinonim za međunarodnu i svjetsku prisutnost. Siemens je globalni predvodnik unutar lanca vrijednosti elektrifikacije – od proizvodnje, prijenosa i distribucije električne energije do rješenja pametnih mreža i učinkovite primjene električne energije. Danas Siemens ima oko 377.000 zaposlenika u više od 200 zemalja i regija. Čast nam je što su prepoznali vrijednost koju donosi članstvo u Obnovljivim izvorima energije Hrvatske. Radujemo se zajedničkom djelovanju kroz naše radne skupine. Iskustvo i znanje koje ima Siemens Hrvatska sigurno će dati značajan doprinos snažnijem razvoju sektora obnovljivih izvora energije, a time i dostizanju energetske samodostatnosti.” – izjavili su iz OIEH-a

Zahvaljujemo Siemensu Hrvatska na povjerenju i veselimo se budućim zajedničkim uspjesima.

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