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Sunday, May 5, 2024

New RES Croatia member: enasolAuto – fully charged, anytime

For some 110 years the myth we all believed in was that motorised mobility is a conglomerate of noise, adventurous technical solutions requiring with an inherent inclination towards random breakage and failure resulting in hefty repair bills, and featuring a cavalier dissipation of costly energy, topped with a copious amount of toxic fumes for good measure.

About a decade ago, a certain somebody dared to reinvent a forgotten child of the earliest motoring days. A brave team let electricity re-enter the circuit, and the lights are shining brighter day by day. Nothing could have prepared us for the way in which, all of a sudden, cars would be highly comfortable, yet technically straightforward and reliable shells enabling noiseless, effortless motion, devoid of any stress one would associate with the mastering of the quirky requirements of internal combustion machinery.

enasolAuto, a fresh member of the Renewable Energy Sources Association of Croatia will ensure that your electric driving pleasure can be continued anytime. The innovative project is a combined effort of a team that has ample experience in undertakings in telecommunications, IT, energy supply and renewables. They are dedicated to the highest proficiency in tackling technical and organisational challenges to enable market-oriented, customer-friendly services. Their core team, CEO Predrag Šeatović, COO Tomislav Kajdi and Tomislav Ivanetić as CGO can rely on the support of a number of expert external advisors.

The managing founders’ business concept has already attracted a significant level of private and corporate investments. The soon to be commercially launched electric vehicle charging network will establish e-mobility as a viable mainstream concept and provide different solutions for different customer types. It will allow for full roaming functionality with more than 30 other countries’ charging points in over 30 countries and provide a service with an elevated quality level, with options that will provide new experiences to the customers’ way of life.

While the number of EV charges in Croatia remains quite high in relation to the number of electric vehicles currently in operation, it is far from sufficient for the imminent development of e-mobility, and their location is often impractical for many users that are interested in parting with the internal combustion technology. Many EV-fans simply cannot gain access to a sufficiently developed infrastructure that would allow them to follow their affiliation. The enasolAuto management claims to be taking into account that practical EV charging needs to become available to those who have no acceptable solution in the buildings thy live or work in. enasolAuto has a plan how to make sure that along with topping up their batteries, EV drivers will be able to make the best out of their day. The network will also tackle the challenges of tourist destinations, where already this year EU guests will be desperately looking for a free charger, or at least an unused wall socket to stay mobile and be able to drive back home.

The CEO of this innovative Croatian start-up points out that: „Our goal is to ensure that every kilowatt-hour of electricity our customers will need to spend for business, leisure and exploring new lands and meeting new friends is generated from renewable sources.”

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