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Friday, May 3, 2024

Word Renewable Energy Day

Renewable energy sources have shown significant resilience in the middle of the crisis caused by the pandemic coronavirus which gave them a dominant and irreplaceable role – accelerating the energy transition based on domestic renewable resources. The crisis motivated countries to become aware that they can and must rely on their own production of electric power from renewable sources to become more energy self-sufficient and thereby more resilient to any future blow. That is why today’s – World Renewable Energy Day – is even more important.

The World Renewable Energy Day is marked every year on April 26, on the day of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe which happened in 1986, with a view to heightening awareness on the need for research and application of renewable energy sources – wind, sun, water, biomass, geothermal sources.

The European Commission adopted the Green plan with the goal of making Europe the first climate-neutral continent by the year 2050. It is a big challenge but also an opportunity for all the EU member states. The Croatian energy transition is at a forceful turning point and the increased share of renewable sources is considered key in the achievement of the set climate and energy goals. Projections for the development of renewable energy sources to the year 2030, namely, 2050 are ambitious and require significant investments and serious planning. Such projections can be corroborated by large, although as yet insufficiently utilized potentials for the development of renewable energy sources which Croatia is abundant in. Therefore, we must make efforts to develop the resources we have and with which we can increase the competitiveness and resilience of our economy.  

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